World Journal of Medical and Surgical Case Reports Volume No 10

Case Report Open Access

Gangrenous Sigmoid Volvulus Complicating Pregnancy

Shabir Ahmad Mir and Mumtaz Din Wani
World Journal of Medical and Surgical Case Reports 2013, 2:23


Sigmoid volvulus is a very rare cause of intestinal obstruction in pregnancy. The gangrene results due to delay caused by conservative trial for sake of pregnancy, avoidance of radiology based investigations, and rarity of the condition and the masking of clinical picture by pregnancy. Our patient was a 28 year old female with 26 weeks of pregnancy. She presented with 3 day history of pain abdomen, obstipation with 2 episodes of vomiting and distension abdomen. She also had abdominal tenderness. Her general condition was ill. She was explored after resuscitation and the exploration revealed gangrenous sigmoid volvulus with 2 ½ twists. We performed the colostomy with the closure of the rectal stump (Hartmann’s).

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