World Journal of Surgical Research Volume No 9

Case Report Open Access

Anterior Neck Giant Atypical Lipoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature

Ram Niwas Meena, Satyendra Tiwary, Amit Kumar Yadav, Vipul Srivastava, Akshay BR and Sweety Kumari
World Journal of Surgical Research 2020, 9:1



Lipomas are benign mesenchymal tumour. They constitute 5% of all benign tumors of body and can be found anywhere in the body, 13% of lipomas are seen in head and neck region, Anterior neck lipoma is a rare one specially of hanging like bell is extremely rare. A lipoma is considered to be of giant when it’s size greater than 10 cm in length (in any dimension) or weighs over 1000 gm.

Case report

We are reporting a case of 50 year old male who presented with a huge swelling in the anterior neck region for last 20 year and sudden increase in size from 6 month. FNAC and sonography confirmed the diagnosis of lipoma. Enucleation of lipoma with redunded skin from neck was done and followed up for 1 year without any complication.


Giant pediculated lipoma of the anterior neck is extremely rare. Surgical management of this tumor is challenging and should be performed by an experienced surgeon due to the need for meticulous dissection with respect to the underlying blood vessels and nerve.

Key words

Giant pediculated lipoma, anterior neck lipoma, mesenchymal tumour

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