World Journal of Surgical Research Volume No 9

Research Open Access

Submental Intubation in Maxillofacial Trauma Patients: Our Early Experience and Lessons Learned

Tiwari Preeti, Bharti Alok and Mishra Nitesh
World Journal of Surgical Research 2018, 7:1



Trauma is the most common cause of mortality in productive age group across the world children. Complicated maxillofacial injury averting nasal intubation & requiring maxilla mandibular fixation pose a significant challenge with regards to airway access management. The aim of this retrospective analysis of our maxillofacial trauma patient is to present the results of submental intubation and to discuss the indications and result of this procedure.

Material & methods

A retrospective study, involving maxillofacial trauma patients of the single maxillofacial unit over a one year period from July 2015 to June 2016. The study included all patients with maxillofacial trauma requiring submental intubation during surgery for maxillofacial trauma. Data were collected from patient’s records for age, gender, mode of injury, type of maxillofacial trauma, associated trauma, intraoperative and postoperative complications regarding submental intubation.


A total of 11 patients with maxillofacial trauma admitted during the study . Submental intubation was successfully performed in 10 patients. Mean disconnection time in other patients was 1.2 ± 0.63 minutes. The mean procedure time was 9.6 ± 3.34 minutes. None of the patients had any motor or sensory disturbance or any complaints regarding salivary gland or duct damage. One patient with diabetes mellitus and uncontrolled blood sugar level developed a post-operative wound infection.


Submental intubation offers an adequate, easy and minimally invasive alternative for polytrauma patients though patients with co-morbidities should be screened to avoid complications.

Key Words

Submental intubation, maxillofacial trauma, wound infection, polytrauma

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