World Journal of Pathology Volume No 10

Research Open Access

Urinary tract infection – evaluation of Beta-glucan, mannose and cranberry extract

VaclavVetvicka and Jana Vetvickova
World Journal of Pathology 2020, 9:3



Urinary tract infection represents common problem for both general public and for athletes. Repeated infections are, at least partly, caused by depressed immune system; β-glucan is well-established immunomodulator with known helping effects in all types of infections. Therefore, we decided to compare various natural molecules in order to experimentally confirm the hypothesis that β-glucan alone or in combination with some additional natural molecule can have beneficial effects in this type of infection.

Patients and methods

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of some natural molecules as potential food supplement in UTI. For these experiments we used β-glucan, mannose, cranberry extract and their combinations.


The highest effects on lowering the bacterial load in kidney and bladder had combination of β-glucan-cranberry extract followed by β-glucan alone.Based on our findings.


We can conclude that the highest effects have a β-glucan-cranberry extract combination.


Urinary tract infection, β-Glucan, Cranberry, Mannose, Infection

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