World Journal of Surgical Research Volume No 9

Original Article Open Access

Fas Ligand as a Circulating Apoptosis Marker in Carcinoma Breast

Ranjeet Kumar Singh, Ram Niwas Meena, Satyendra Kumar Tiwary, Seema Khanna and Rahul Khanna
World Journal of Surgical Research 2018, 7:2



Circulating apoptosis markers such as soluble Fas receptors and Fas ligand, are a new set of blood parameter that might affect tumor growth and aggressiveness as well as being able to monitor the effect of antitumor therapy. We evaluate serially by ELISA the levels of FasL in the serum of breast cancer patients at presentation, post surgery, and post chemotherapy and also correlate levels of apoptosis markers with tumor response.


This prospective study undertaken on 24 patients of carcinoma breast of any stage in Department of General Surgery, IMS BHU in collaboration with the Department of Pathology, IMS, BHU between July 2012 to July 2014. Informed and written consent was obtained from all patients. Recist criteria were used to determine objective tumor response for target lesions (complete response, partial response, progressive disease and stable disease). Circulating levels of Fas Ligand in the sera of breast cancer patient was studied by ELISA technique.


The mean age of the patients was 44.75 years (ranging from 25 to 75 years). In cases, the median Fas level at the time of presentation was 73.0 (35.76-90.00), at post surgery 58.0 (40.0-85.0) and at post-chemotherapy was 64.85 (26.75-89.50). As compared to control group, Fas level is significantly increased in patient of carcinoma breast at different time interval (p=0.004, 0.001, 0.010). In our study FasL levels were comparable in ER, PR and HER-2 positive and negative cases. There was no difference in serum levels of FasL among triple negative and non triple negative cases. Patients with lymph node positive status had a higher FasL level compared to those who had no lymph node status. The difference was greatest among patients who had 1–3 lymph nodes compared to N0 patients (p<0.01).


Our study indicates a considerable prognostic potential for FasL in breast cancer patients. Lack of these molecules is related to a significantly worse prognosis. This is the result of resistance of FasL deficient breast tumors to the mechanism of apoptosis.

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